PALM10 in Tokyo as representative Japanese involvement in Cook Islands


Kia Orana (Hello)
Japanese Here

Cook Islands Specialty Store in Kyoto Japan. My name is Mari Yamashita.

16th,17th July 2024, PALM10 was held in Tokyo.

Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested me as Japanese representative involvement in Cook Islands🇨🇰.

The first day,16th, Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting Welcome Reception Hosted by Chief Cabinet Secretary Mr.Hayashi and Dr.Hayashi were held in Tokyo Prince Hotel.

The Prime Minister Brown of Cook Islands is Co-chair of Pacific Islands Forum.
 I had privilege of speaking with Prime Minister Mark Brown.

Since 2016, the production and importation of Nama Tamanu Oil by Rito Cook Islands

2021, the 10th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relation between Japan and Cook Islands

2023,World Aquatic championship in FUKUOKA(in support of Cook Islands athletes ,etc,)

I was very nervous and made some mistake my English.

The Prime Minister listened my story and took some photos and a video.

This is the video.(0:33〜by Cook Islands Maori)

Cook Islands friend of mine translated the video for English.

Hello everyone

This is Mari

She is a woman selling Rito oil from Rarotonga in Japan, from her home city of Kyoto.

This is a woman that is doing a great job establishing trading between the Cook Islands and Japan.

I appreciate that a Japanese woman is really portraying the Cook Islands’ nation in Japan.

Thank you

The Prime Minister is very kindness and friendly.

And Second day,17th, The 10th Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting Banquet Hosted by Prime Minister Kishida and Mrs. Kishida were held at the State Guest House, Akasaka Palace in Tokyo.

We opened “MATSURI” Japanese Summer Festivals

The Japanese traditional festivals playing “Super bowl scooping, Throw the Ring,etc”

And mikoshi, happi coats, masks, etc

Adults don’t normally get to festivals, so it felt as though I had returned to a simpler time.
It was like going to a summer festival with my parents and grandparents.

I was really glad that Prime Minister Brown was pleased.

I met His Excellency,Mangisi Kingdom of Tonga who visited my spa in Kyoto in 2022.
and then he told the Prime Minister Brown about my Cook Islands Spa.

Moreover, I’m able to take some photos with Japanese Prime Minister Kishida and famous people.

and then another photo with JICA people.

There are really amazing places in Pacific Island countries that I’ve never been to there.

but it is true that climate change is causing problems!

I hope that each of us can be involved in the Pacific island nation from various angles for many years to come.
Once again, I would like to thank the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and Pacific Island Centre, an international organization, for this valuable opportunity,

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my customers and followers who have been supporting me since the beginning.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all.
Meitaki ma’ata( Thank you very much by Cook Islands Maori)

Kyo-spa 5
Mari Yamashita
