Therapists and yoga instructors praise! The amazing “Namatamanu Oil” can help you lose weight in your legs!!!


脚やせ タマヌオイル


Easing the swelling ! むくみ解消

You can get beautiful legs with moist and lustrous skin even if you have sensitive skin.

  • 8 months change during using the oil
    Before 10/2015. After 08/2016
    This picture shows the result of the massage by Namatamanu oil
  • 南太平洋の〜
    Gem from the South Pacific

We recieve positive messages from our users all over the Japan in a stream !

Looking forward to self-massage every night

This Namatamanu oil is really smooth and it feels like the oil permeates my skin. I like it. Just after a bit of massage, my calves get softer and swelling is gone! I realise that they obviously downsized! !Moreover, my skin gets silky smooth and there are only good things, I look forward to self-massage every night. I am so surprised that my massage skill is not a pro but my skin still downsizes.How much was the body waste in my body? haha

*This is from an individual perspective and we are not be able to guarantee that this applies all people.

Hiromi Inagawa

My weak-point legs for 47 years

I had felt inferior to my legs for technically 47 years. But they turned beauty legs in 1 year thanks to this oil and my life unbelievably changed.People say “your legs are beautiful” and I get praised once I wear a skirt and go out. I am so happy. I was worried that because I was outside throughout the day after putting it in the morning, on the following day, there was no swelling and no muscle pain and my legs kept beautiful. I realised that my body improved and I could prevent swelling again.

*This is from an individual perspective and we are not be able to guarantee that this applies all people.


 Namatmanu oil is amazing!( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

I just want to tell you how happy I am ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ It stretches well andpenetrates skin well …. I am just surprised(*^ω^*)ノThank you for creating such an amazing oil (*^^*)The smell is also amazing ^^ After all, the real is special (ヽ(*^ω^*)ノ

*This is from an individual perspective and we are not be able to guarantee that this applies all people.

Foot massage therapist C.A

実は、「なまタマヌオイル」は 乾燥したお肌を潤す上に、 冷えてカチカチになったボコボコセルライトに ダイレクトにアプローチしてくれる!と 大好評なのです。



Actually, Namatamanu oil  has been popular because it moisturizes dry skin and  also reach the cold and solid cellulite directly

  • 8 months change during using the oil
    Before 10/2015. After 08/2016
    Click now if you want to experience skinnier legs
    Click now if you want to stop your skin from drying out.



Our “Easing the swelling” has been a topic on FB!
from Misae Hashihama
You feel fresh just  after  you put the oil
I took a part in a bus tour today and
I was sitting the whole day and my legs were killing me
but I felt fresh just after I put the oil.
Thank you for the oil, Mari-san


Left with Namatamau oil  Right without Namatamanu oil
Look at the difference of complexion of the left leg
The swelling is gone
Chikako Yoshida
Great effect against the swelling of tiring legs
You should not underestimate Namatamanu oil
I went to trek at Gosaisho-dake as an event of my workplace, Studio Field  the other day.
I barely remember that I came here once when I was a child.
before and after
1st pic: right leg after the massage
2nd pic: left leg after the massage
3rd pic: both legs in the following morning.
I didn’t edit the photo at all.
It was in the morning, so it looked shinier because of the natural light ,both legs became flat and looked fresh.
Anyway, I have been working while getting down on knees and my knees were black but they have been more beautiful these days.
I am so surprised that I posted it though It might look awful.
Great effect not only against downsizing but also the swelling of tiring legs.
I was as if I was enchanted.
Thank you very much Mari-san.
Anywa,  Nakamura, chief at Studio Fields bought it because it is also good for muscle.
Former professional boxer as expected.




It has been a topic because there have been many positive comments about the skin bumps.
After I started using the oil, my scratches that exist since high school were gone more.
It did not work with  previous oil but the Namatamanu oil worked after 6 months and my skin became beautiful.
A picture from September
Skin tone also looks better.!
I continued to use the oil and my legs become beautiful like now.

More you use, more experiences of the dramatic changes of your skin and muscle
we recieve  from around Japan
I wanted to see the real Tamanu tree,
I went to
Cook islands in the South Pasific .

I asked the rocals.

Tamanu seed oil is originally…


Care for drying out after sunburn and blot
Care for muscle fatigue
Pimple care
Diaper rash
Joint pan

Above these, It has been used as all-purpose cure for many purposes  with a focus on skin
and it also sells as  skin care products。

ただ、It was just a locak ” Rumor” and  not yet scientifically ”established” but now it proves how much antioxidative potency  of Tamanu oil is 

What a surprise!!

It is said that “Antioxidative potency”is 20 times more than 

.Extra  virgin oil.


Antioxidant Capacity Test of Tamanu Oil
Now, according to the Pacific island lore about Tamanu oil, it seems to have a very high antioxidant power. …… From this perspective, we decided to conduct this test. There are several ways to conduct scientific experiments on antioxidant power, but the method we used here at PIC is called the ORAC method. If you want to know more about it, please refer to (Note 2), but it is a method of quantification that has become popular in recent years as a highly accurate method of measurement, especially for testing the antioxidant capacity of foods around us. In this study, we measured the ORAC values of three Tamanu oil products produced by different producers on different Pacific islands, and compared them with commercially available extra virgin olive oil (commercially available in Japan), which is widely used as a cosmetic oil for its high antioxidant properties.

Table1 ORAC value of Tamanu oil

Antioxidative potency”is 20 times more than extra  virgin oil!
Each analytical test was conducted three times, and the average values are shown in Table 1. While the ORAC value of commercially available extra virgin olive oil was 433 pmoITE/100g, Company A’s Tamanu oil had an incredible 8841, Company B’s 9473, and Company C’s 10456. This simply means that Tamanu oil has more than 20 times the antioxidant power of extra virgin oil.
Figure 1 also shows that how the antioxidant capacity changes as time goes. In technical terms, it’s called a “fluorescence decay curve,” and the purple curve labeled Blank, which shows how quickly it drops, is when nothing is applied. The blue curve, which approaches zero in about 30 minutes, represents the results of the olive oil experiment. The remaining three curves are the fluorescence decay curves of Tamanu Oil A, B, and C. A more detailed explanation of the meaning of these curves is given in Note 3, but the bottom line is that all Pacific tamanu oils, even from different producers, have higher antibacterial activity than olive oil.
To be honest, we were surprised by the results.
To be fair, we were surprised by this result, so we checked several references just in case, and concluded that there is nothing wrong with the ORAC value of olive oil, which is usually in the 300-400 range in all the papers.

Graph1  measurement of Tamanu oil Decay curve

(Note 2) About ORAC method
The ORAC method (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity Assay) was developed in 1992 by researchers from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the National Institute on Aging (NIA). It is a method of measuring antioxidant capacity that expresses the ability to absorb reactive oxygen species, or antioxidant capacity, through specific numerical values. In the U.S., some foods are already labeled with the ORAC value, and it has become a criterion for consumers to choose when purchasing. It is expressed as umOITE/g or umOITE/100g. The higher the value, the higher the antioxidant capacity.

(Note 3)The fluorescence decay curve shows the decay of the fluorescence probe caused by reactive oxygen species (peroxyl radicals or hydroxyl radicals), with how much the time passed on the horizontal axis and the amount of fluorescence on the vertical axis. In the presence of antioxidants, the peroxyl radical oxidation of the fluorescence probe is blocked, so the fluorescence amount is high. In this experiment, olive oil was analyzed under the same environment and compared with tamanu oil. In this experiment, we analyzed olive oil in the same environment and compared it with tamanu oil. The long-lasting fluorescence does not mean that the antioxidant effect is sustained for a long time, but that the peroxyl radical oxidation of the fluorescent proph is blocked for a long time, which means that the antioxidant effect is high.

Cited from the HP of Pacific Islands Centre

There actually have been skin regenerating and leg-reducing cosmetics until now.

However, I did not adamantly handle them because they all contained ingredients that were a little unhealthy.

However, this tamanu seed oil is a natural ingredient, so it is safe to absorb into your body as well as your skin!

                                  calophylloid (strong anti-inflammatory ingredient)
carophylic acid (Moisturizing ingredient)
chitosan    (Improve immunity、antioxidant)
    It also contains the ingredients, so It has changed the conventional wisdom of people who had sensitive skin and swelling problems.
Let me introduce you to the production process of Tamanu seed oil as I saw it in the field.

 Tamanu Oil, a rare gem of the South Pacific

What a surprise!! Everything was manufactured by hand with great care in the age of mechanization!!(=)

50年以上の大きなタマヌナッツの木に白い花が咲き、緑色の実がなります。この実を、まるで銀杏や梅のように、天日干しで乾燥させ種子を取り出します。3~4ヶ月、じっくり時間をかけて乾燥させます。乾燥がとても重要で、乾燥具合で完成する「タマヌシードオイル」の品質が決まります。ジャストタイミングで、乾燥した「タマヌの種」を砕き Ritoは、繊細な五感を使って、湿気や気温の変化を感じ取りながら慎重に搾っていきます。熱を加えない、圧搾(コールドプレス法)100キロのタマヌの種から取れるオイルは、わずか3~5キロの希少オイルです。


A white flower bloomed on A large tamanu nut tree over 50 years old and itt bears green fruit.
These fruits are dried in the sun, just like gingko nuts or plums, and we extract the seeds.
Dry slowly for 3~4 months.
The drying process is very important, as it determines the quality of the completed “tamanu seed oil”.
Crush the completed “Tamanu Seeds” at just a right time.
Using his five senses to sense changes in humidity and temperature Rito carefully presses it.
This is the heatless pressing manufacturing method
This is a  rare oil because only 3 to 5 kilograms of oil can be obtained from 100 kilograms of tamanu seeds, making it a rare oil.

On a Rito’s production tour

Feel the real thing!
Extra virgin coconut oil smells like…
It was clear and not sweet.

Rito also manufactures virgin coconut oil for food. It is a well-known company and they offer a tour of their virgin coconut oil (edible) production every Wednesday.

Crack open the coconuts one by one.

After the coconut pulp is ground in a large mixer, it is dried on a heated table for 4 to 5 hours. This is the coconut powder, often found in sweets.^^

The result is virgin coconut oil! It’s the first squeeze. I was surprised that the quality and aroma of the coconut oil was different from that of the coconut oil available in Japan, not too sweet and with an elegant aroma.

Using this fresh oil,、
Kyo Spa5 × Rito 
Only 1 in the world
「Nama tamanu oil」

is available now!!

Of course, 

No preservatives, antioxidants, alcohols, or anything that may irritate the skin
This blended oil is packed with local “nama” oil.


All raw materials  Namatamanu oil
5 common benefits of all ingredients
virgin tamanu seed oil /virgin coconut oil UV light/Meadowfoam Seed Oil/Macadamia nut oil

keep your skin soft/protect your skin from /No rusty for your skin/


Tamanu seed oil from the Cook Islands is now available for the first time in Japan, fresh and untouched.



効果的な「なまタマヌオイル」の使い方。気になる部位に、オイルを適量、手のひらで温めてリンパケアにお使いください。(清潔なお肌の上にご使用ください。)※ナッツアレルギーの方はご使用をお控えください。 オイルの使用目安 太もも6プッシュ・ふくらはぎ6プッシュ・お腹6プッシュ・お顔1プッシュ 摩擦が起きない量を塗り込むと、マッサージしやすくなります。
How to use “Namatanu Oil” effectively

Apply the oil over your target part with an appropriate amount for lymphatic care.
(* Apply the oil over clean skin)

*Those who have nut allergy are unfortunately not allowed to take this course.
Oil usage guidelines
6 pushes for thighs ,6 pushes for calves, 6 pushes for belly, 1 push for face
If you rub in a non-frictional amount , it is easier to massage.

ヨガ講師肥田あやさんおすすめの使い方 ホットヨガの前に塗って、発汗を促します。発汗デトックスにも!他にも使い方いろいろ!化粧水後の乳液代わりに!ハンドクリーム代わりに!足のケアに!ひげそり後の乾燥を防ぐケアに

How to use “Namatanu Oil” recommended from a yoga instructor Aya, Hida
Apply the oil to promote sweating before hot yoga.
It also works well with Sweat Detox.
There are also other ways to use .
Alternative to handcreme
Foot care
Care to prevent your face from drying out after shaving.


Rave reviews from therapists and yoga instructors across Japan

No betrayal “Namatamanu oil”

I have always taken the massage and been fascinated  becasue of the sweet smelling.  I am also addicted to the oil I just bought due to the strong smell!!!! It stretches well. The oil penetrates smoothly like sticking to the skin.So, it is totally different from the image of oil.Of course, you do not need to wipe off the oil.This oil penetrates the skin before wiping off !I also like the package of the bottle because it is cool sansation!I massage carefully more than usual when I have this oil.This oil never betrays me so this is my favorite !

*The is a personal opinion and there is no guarantee of the effect-efficacy for all customers.

Mayumi Goto, yoga instructor  from Ibaraki prefecture .

Most my favoutie  oil

I have been focusing on my own maintenance and was looking for an oil when I was browsing the internet and found out about Namatamanu Oil and was very interested in it . I got into the scent, it’s not sticky, it feels good to burn, and after massaging, it makes me feel soft like I’ve been using an ultrasound machine, which is one of the reasons why I like it so much.Thanks to this,I now have more time for my own maintenance.Actually、I have a healing treatment by using the oil at home.I tend to want to tell my customers about whatever I’m happy with, so I talked a lot this time too!(^◇^;)I’m really grateful to find a good oil!

*The is a personal opinion and there is no guarantee of the effect-efficacy for all customers.

 Lymphatic therapist Miho Ishiifrom Aichi prefecture

Apply it and sweat at the same time?

I recommend it for those who do not want to do anything because you are tired  hahaI really apply it only before going to bed lol. I only applied it to my skin, but in the next morning, no matter how much I moved around, I no longer felt sluggish. I’m as if I was in a sauna alone.hahaThe swelling is gone and my pants get looser.?People said my upper arms got tight !I know it’s better to let the lymph flow rather than to just apply it, but I’d rather let someone else do that and want to sleep while being done .。My friends at my work place were deeply in love with the oil before they knew it  saying “My friends at my work place were deeply in love with the oil before they knew it  saying「If I don’t use this oil, my legs feel different the next morning.”

*The is a personal opinion and there is no guarantee of the effect-efficacy for all customers.

acupressure points od ears Kazumi Kumagai ftomAichi prefecture

 I am using this regularly for my hair

The smell is the original one from Tamanu oil but not too it is easy to use.  Texture is light and smooth, so it stretches well only with a short amount of the oil.Namatamanu oil becomes necessary for face and the swelling of my legs care.☆I also use it for my hair.When I use it, my hair gets smooth and moisture.Moreover, there is no sticky and the oil goes well on my hair ☆I can keep my hair , which is to around my hair .  This Namatamanu oil is enough for body care and you do not have to use many other oils(*^^*)

*The is a personal opinion and there is no guarantee of the effect-efficacy for all customers.

Manami Tomita, foot massage therapist from Hyogo prefecture .

You can also use “Namatamanu” in many other ways.

Gain benefits with Tamanu oil after training

I want to not have muscle pain after training because my work efficiency goes down. But I am a trainer so I could not do things that I neglect my body-making. Then, I used this oil after training as body care, There was no muscle pain which would occur on the following day. Thanks to this oil, my routine after training is not protein but body care with Tamanu-oil.
What I am happy is that I use this oil for prevention for muscle pain but my skin also gets glowing . My clients say sometimes “ You have nice and beautiful arms” 😉
I gain benefits from this oil.

*This is from an individual perspective and we are not be able to guarantee that this applies all people.

Nagoya  Satisfy Former professional boxer Yoshinobu Nakamura

Use  everywhere on the body!Even for nails and hair!

Namatamanu oil(relaxingspaoil)250ml has arrived! Now you can take care of your face, legs, abdomen, arms, and most importantly your hand nails! I also take a stringed instrument lesson so that I can not cut nails too short.The oil works well with short nails and palms。I always use it when I take a shower. My hair is getting thinner , so the oil is effective in my hair .

*This is from an individual perspective and we are not be able to guarantee that this applies all people.

Yukiko Sato


You are the next one who will realise the  excitement with “Namatamanu oil”


タマヌオイル販売店 京Spa5

なまタマヌ及びマインリーフデの図形は、マインリーフデ株式会社Namatamanu and the Main Leaf De figure are registered trademarks of Main Leaf De Corporation (Trademark Registration No. 5941068)。
